Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A little detective work...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWe still have much to be translated, but I have read through Eliana's paperwork a few times and hopped around the web for some growth charts to try to gather what I can about her. With those cheeks, I have been trying to figure out what she is hiding under all those clothes!! From the reports that we have of Eliana's medical checkup in February (age approx. 4 1/2 months) she was somewhere around the 50th percentile in height (24.8 inches) and the 75th percentile in weight (14.74 lbs). The question is whether or not she was wearing all of that when she was weighed- I have heard that is often the case. So, maybe those cutie pie cheeks are a little deceiving. Her head circumference was right at the 75th percentile (16.14 in.) as well. There is very little translated yet as to her personality, but it does describe her as "quiet," "having a ready smile," and "quick in reaction." Sounds like a Norgauer to me... okay, okay... maybe not the quiet part. I do remember however, my parents telling me that I was so quiet as a child that the neighbors thought I was mute. Oh how things change. My poor husband Milan must long for those good ol' days.
We are really looking forward to finding out more about our little princess in the next few weeks as we get more information translated and as we receive updated information on her. I have included more pictures here of our match day. These were taken at our agency when we first got Eliana's file.

Match Day


Unknown said...

What a happy post!!!!!!
Cant wait to read more. Congrats

Monica said...

Congratulations on your referral! Your daughter is absolutely adorable!!

I belong to the Xinyu families group and saw your recent post there. We also have a Xinyu beauty. Her Chinese name is Yu, Cai Wen, and her Canadian name is Claire.

All the best to you. Enjoy this magical time in your lives!