Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Today is always a favorite around here. We all love the fireworks and it is great to come out and spend time with neighbors and friends. Our community is pretty great about activities in the parks, so we enjoyed that for a few hours- the kids had balloon swords, hats and belts made. Even Ellie got in on the action there as evidenced in the pictures below.
It was Ellie's first July 4th as a U.S. Citizen and a part of our family. She loved seeing the fireworks tonight, but unfortunately the show was cut short due to the face that the professional display started a brush fire up on the hillside. It is really dry around here and went pretty quickly. I don't know the current status on the fire, but it doesn't seem to be smoky outside, so that is a good sign. I am all for a big finale, but that was a bit ridiculous.
Fourth of July 08

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