Friday, November 2, 2007

To clean or not to clean? That is the question...

So yesterday, a shamefully overdue house cleaning took place. I think about that family in the midwest somewhere with 16+ children and I don't know how their home hasn't been condemned. I am not quite sure how I am going to keep house around here between homeschooling the boys and taking care of my little "Cling-on." Not that she has been watching much Star Trek or anything, but she has become more needy of late. That is code for "I want Mommy NOW!" Short of hiring a house-keeper (which is about as likely as me voting for Hillary Clinton for President), I am not sure what to do about keeping our crib clean. Putting cleaning agents into the hands of young boys sounds like a ticket to the eye doctor for a thorough flushing and they don't seem to understand that the bottom of the vacuum needs to actually run flat to the floor. They prefer to drive it around in "wheelie" mode. It is faster, I admit. Yesterday, Milan took the boys to music classes for me so I could clean while Eliana napped. That lasted about 45 minutes and then the next several hours were spent dusting and vacuuming one-handed. Oy Vay! My back is not my friend today, but at least my daughter is.
So, I am open for comments, suggestions, etc. from any of you neat-nicks out there with a house full of kiddos and barely enough spare time in your life to microwave dinner, let alone clean out the inside of that horrible little nuclear reactor. Until next time...

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