Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Just Love My Little Monkeys!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI thought I would post a few pictures from today. My three kiddos are all so precious. Elijah read to Eliana this morning while I made breakfast. He is so cute. Lately, he is taking the initiative to find ways to help me when Eliana is fussing- which is pretty much most of the time when I am not holding her. She really enjoyed his reading though. It was just so sweet... and he is becoming such a great little reader. Maybe there is something to this homeschooling thing after all.

Noah, my oldest, has been just adorable lately as well. He is so into football. He just runs through the house running plays on his own... rushing for unbelievable yardage and thwarting defenders left and right. I have to look both ways before crossing the kitchen from the sink to the refrigerator. He is posing in a picture here with his favorite nerf football.

Eliana loves rocking out on her rocking horse. Of course, when I ask her if she is rocking, she starts playing rock, paper scissors. She gets the "rock" part and goes with it. I snapped some pictures of her today in her new outfit from Aunt Kathy... Thank you, Kathy. It is just too cute. The fact that it is the "Snow Princess" line is too perfect. We are expecting snow later this week and she is definitely our little princess.

New Album 11/20/07 10:23 PM

Well, not much excitement around here today other than the fact that I adore my babies. I am really a blessed Mommy, in spite of the fatigue and intermitant frustrations of parenthood... God has been very good to me.

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