Friday, April 4, 2008

Good News on the Grant Front

We recieved word today that we were awarded the full amount of money we requested to begin working with an attachment specialist. That is great news. Now, the question is when we will be able to schedule appointments. We are going on a family trip soon and it would be great to get in with her before we leave so that we could really use that intense family time to the greatest advantage. Either way, we all need a vacation around here and how could a few weeks on the beach not make EVERY situation a little better?
Ellie has her physical therapy evaluation on Monday with Children's Hospital and then we will have some other evaluations done in mid-May for occupational therapy among a few other things. I believe that by early summer, we will have evaluated, therapeuticized (like that one?), and otherwise analyzed most every possible part of our little peanut. I am thinking about have her colors done, just for good measure. Ok, I am kidding about that one. Anyway, we are still trying to piece together our little 21 pound puzzle, puzzle pieceand I am hopeful that we will begin to get a better idea of the picture on which we have been working. I know that ultimately it will be a masterpiece of God's own design, but it sure would have been easier if he had included the box.

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